Vedic Numerology is one of the most popular systems of Numerology. It is based on an ancient Indian system that applies special meanings to numbers and their symbols.
What’s the history of vedic numerology?
The term Vedic is used to describe the sacred texts of the Hindus, the Vedas. These ancient religious texts are believed to be divinely inspired by the gods and as such, contain great wisdom and knowledge. There are four different Vedas: Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda and Atharva Veda. Each one deals with a different subject matter such as rituals, prayers, hymns and more.
The numbers 1-9 have specific meanings in the Vedas. That is where the basic foundation of Vedic numerolgy began. As time went on, other beliefs and uses were applied to the numbers 1-9. The human mind is very good at finding patterns, especially with something as simple as numbers. Over time, more patterns were found in the numbers 1-9 and new theories about them were implemented in Vedic numerology.
Vedic Numerolgy is one of the most popular systems of Numerology. It is based on an ancient Indian system that applies special meanings to numbers and their symbols.
The ancient Indians were also the first to realize that numbers were in everything. They found these vibrations within nature, to keep track of time, for mapping genes and even within our subconscious minds.
This is why Vedic numerlgy and other forms of Eastern numero are so accurate. They recognize that numbers are everywhere in life and their vibrations deeply affect us on both a conscious and unconscious level.